

I decided to make this page because, as seen from the title of this blog, I love words, and have a vast collection of them. This page will literally just be full of words that I find on the internet through the magical portal that is Pinterest. They may or may not be in English…ya never know what you’ll get. Anyways…yeah. Words words words…





Backpfeifengesicht(n.) a person who needs to be slapped; lit. “a face that needs a fist in it”



Slubbergullion(n.) a worthless person




Trouvaille(n.) something lovely discovered by chance; a windfall



Floccinaucinihilipilification(n.) the act of deciding that something is useless



Sweven(n.) a vision seen in sleep; a dream



Serendipity(n.) finding something good without looking for it



Tacenda(n.) things better left unsaid; maters to be passed over in silence



Anam Cara(n, Gaelic) a person with whom you can share your deepest thoughts, feelings, and dreams with; your soul friend



Absquatulate(v.) to leave without saying goodbye



Selcouth(adj.) unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet marvelous



Morosis(n.) the stupidest of stupidities



Komorebi(n, Japanese) sunlight that filters through the leaves of trees