No Where To Grow pt 3

It was when I turned 16 that I saw him. He was standing on the corner across from me, watching as I ate with my friends at the resource station close to my neighborhood.

He looks exactly as he looked from my previous life. I remember that. Of course I do. He played such a large part in my previous life that it was recorded in my Archive. 

“Ana Blubarr.” That was the person I was before. “Died age 28 in 7134 AR* from a terminal illness. Parents were Al Blubarr and Zora Telimon. Race was mixed Diferen** and Wipple***. Graduated from Richmot Preliminary School and then went on to study molecular biology at Harland University. It has been recorded that she chose this career in order to create a cure for her lover, Seo Hyunjoon****, the only known immortal who lived past the Return. [Archive for Seo Hyunjoon has been missing for 18 centuries. It is assumed he is in possession of it.] Previous life was Ina Quati*****.”


He didn’t stay for long. Our eyes met and held for a split second…and then he was gone. It was times like these that I wished that Archives held more details. What were you to me? What was I to you? Why did I Return if you still remember me?

My friend snapped her fingers in front of my face and dragged me back to the conversation. We discussed the school project we had been assigned and ate the nutri-meals****** that we had ordered. My mind was somewhere else though.

It was spinning with the ghosts of the past that had come to haunt her.














Sorry that was short but I wasn’t really feeling that scene after coming back to it after a few days. 🙂




*AR is this story’s version of BC or AD or BCE or whatever you want to say; it  stands for “After the Return.”

**Pronounced Dif-er-in; an ethnicity located somewhere the India-Bangladesh area

***Pronounced like ripple but with a w, idk; ethnicity located on the Icelandic island

**** Pronounced so-hyun-june

***** Pronounced kwa-tea

****** A popular form of food that provides the needed amount of vitamins and calories per meal; stands for “Nutrition Meal”